During a typical 35-minute treatment session, the FOCUS™ Footbath can produce the following benefits:
· Stimulates the Lymphatic System
· Balances the Meridians
· Strengthens the Immune System
· Improves Sleep Patterns
· Enhances Mental Clarity
· Speeds Disease/Injury Recovery
· Increases Circulation
· Reduces Swelling/Inflammation
The benefits of a footbath will typically last from 3-5 days. Many people report feeling revitalized and more balanced after a single footbath. Do to the fact that we are continuously exposed to toxins within our environment, we recommend the footbath be repeated on a regular basis.
A tremendously successful way to help detoxify and improve your overall health is with the FOCUS™ Energetic Footbath System (FOCUS™ Footbath). The FOCUS™ Footbath is an efficient and powerful way to detoxify the inside of your body, recharging and increasing oxygen to the cells, while actively eliminating the toxins through your feet.
To learn more about what’s happening to the water during a footbath, click here.

-Vivian Eisenstadt, MAPT CPT MASP “The Brooklyn Healer”
“My personal experience with the FOCUS™ Footbath was very powerful, being that I am pretty sensitive after having Epstein Bar Virus (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for over 20 years. After only 1 session, my body felt the need to rest as “I felt as if my cells were re-aligning to a higher state of function and reintegrating every system again to embrace the new level of ‘clean’” would be the best way I can describe it. I felt my body move into a new state of balance. It’s as if the footbath “took out the garbage”, leaving my body stronger, healthier and with a higher tolerance for my daily activities physically, mentally, and emotionally. I feel lightness throughout my entire body and the long-term effects are pretty consistent. I can now feel when I need to use the footbath as there is a clear distinction for me when I have a significant buildup of toxins.”
The FOCUS™ Footbath is designed to assist in the following areas, as well as many other benefits, depending on what secondary effects the toxins are having on your body:
· Full Body Detoxification
· Strengthen Immune System
· Increase Energy Levels
· Faster recovery time from illness, injuries and surgery
· Pain Relief and decrease joint stiffness due to arthritis
· Improve sleep patterns
· Increase oxygen in the body
· Reduce fluid retention
· Reduce storage of fat
· Relieve headaches
· Removal of heavy metals
· Removal of blood clot material
· Improve liver and kidney function
By releasing the cellular waste that has been bonded to them over the years – your organs will naturally function better, and you may even lose body fat that your body no longer needs to protect your organs from those toxins. The following are some of the specific responses heard from many individuals over the years who have experienced anywhere from 1 to 10 FOCUS™ Footbaths. Depending on how toxic the person was, or how many footbaths the person has had, the affected results will vary. A lot of people can feel the results immediately. Some even notice additional results with multiple footbaths. After only one use you may experience renewed energy and vitality. You owe it to yourself and family members to regain and maintain a better long lasting health by experiencing the wonderful effects of the FOCUS™ Footbath!
· Improved sleep
· Feeling generally healthier, stronger and more focused
· Overall peace and relaxation within a stressful day
· Symptomatic relief from arthritis
· Fast recovery from illnesses/flu’s
· More focus with tasks that required prolonged focus, e.g. reading, computer work
· Able to handle their stress easier
· Able to get through the day with energy left over where they didn’t before
· Acne went away
· Loss of 5-10 lbs without modifying any other area of their lives
· Reduction of pain, inflammation, and edema