Water is the common denominator for all life, without it you can have no life. Our physical body is basically 85% water. So water is the medium through which a beneficial energy format is produced, which we can call “Life Force” energy, that can only be amplified, enhanced, and maintained if water is present.
This existence of “Life Force” energy is known everywhere in our universe, but can only be readily utilized if water is included in the process.
Ionic Footbath Cleansing
The FOCUS™ Energetic System is a gentle and effective way to cleanse and detoxify the body of toxins at the cellular level. Footbath detoxification technology, which became available in the United States in the late 1990s and was originally developed in Australia, is now widely used by many alternative medical practitioners in the U.S. and abroad.
The FOCUS Energetic System works on the premise that, over time, cellular waste will accumulate on the cell membranes and between the cells. Normally, cellular wastes will move into the lymphatic system and leave the body via the normal elimination channels. The footbath assists this process by simply helping the cells do what they do naturally: releasing accumulated toxins and waste products that are built-up through normal cell metabolism. Without toxins and waste products, the cells are able to function at a much higher level.
To learn more about the benefits of receiving a footbath, click here.

The Footbath Process
The individual puts both feet into a tub of water which contains a small amount of salt, typically natural Himalayan salt. The feet contain the largest percentage of sweat glands in the body. Negative ions are generated from the EXCITER unit (blue disc in photo above) which appear as bubbles in the water solution. The creation of negative ions is a familiar process in nature. If you’ve been near a waterfall or at the ocean, negative ions are generated by the continuous wave motion of the water. Ions can basically penetrate any cell membrane within the human body without waiting for a receptor response. The negative ions will bind to toxins and waste material, which are positively charged, and cancel out the toxic waste.
To learn more about what’s happening to the water during a footbath, click here.

The FOCUS ES1500 first went into production in 2004 and has continued to impress as our hallmark unit with its reliable performance. This model is operable using standard household 110V or 220V power supply. Includes power cord, carrying case, (1) EXCITER water module, 2 oz. sample of Himalayan Salt, cleaning brush, and comes with 3-year warranty. Instructions for use are available here.
We offer a variety of accessories including:
· EXCITER water module ($95 each)
· Copper tubs ($189 each)
· Himalayan salts ($19.95 2lb bag)
· Universal power adapters ($20)
Please contact us via phone or email to place your order.
Never be without an Exciter!
Call us today to set up an auto-ship plan at a schedule of your choosing.
You’ll always retain the ability to modify or cancel the shipment as you desire.

We fully support our products and are here to help if you’re encountering a problem with one of our FOCUS Footbath machines and can always be reached by phone during standard business hours. If we’ve somehow missed your call, please leave a message and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible. Of course, you’re always welcome to send us an email which should have a response within 24 hours.
Monday – Friday, 9:00AM – 6:00PM PST, excluding observed holidays
Mailing address:
Health and Energy Alternatives
16915 SE 272nd Street, Suite 100-226
Covington, Washington 98042
All outbound shipping is completed via Priority Postal when possible. Packages typically arrive in less than 5 days for most US domestic addresses.
The FOCUS Footbath System is extremely safe when used properly. However, use is not recommended (1) if you have a pacemaker or other electronic device in your body, (2) you are pregnant or (3) have had an organ transplant. Use is also not recommended for smaller children or pets. Because the footbath will also dislodge minerals from within the body, a mineral replacement supplement or drink is recommended after every footbath. Drinking several glasses of water after a footbath is also highly recommended to aid in your body’s natural elimination process.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is for informational purposes only, is not intended as medical advice nor as a replacement for consultation or treatment with a health care professional.